Saturday, February 16, 2013

Black sheep postal service

A few days ago I got a mail from Justin, he has his own postcard and mailing company called: Black sheep postal service.
He offered to send me a postcard and this week my mailbox received this beautiful handmade card with awesome stamps!
You can't appreciate it really well because of the scanner but the postcard is actually gold and I'm in love with the Miles Davis & Edith Piaf stamps!

A little bit about BSPS:
Justin Kerr is the owner of this project and basically what they do is design really cool postcards that they send to whoever you like, so that way you don't have to worry about making birthday cards, holiday greetings, etc. Like their website says, they help you to stay in better touch with the people you care about.
And not only the postcards are really cool but to make it even better they pick the stamps carefully so your card doesn't get the typical "Forever US" stamps we are all tired of.

So I really recommend everyone who likes postcards to check their website, send some postcards to your friends or relatives or why not get some for yourself!
Also, apparently thanks to this Justin is now his grandma's favorite grandson so you can help him stay like that! ;)

To check out more pictures and stuff going on at their San Francisco warehouse check their Facebook

Thank you so much Justin! 

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